I want to create a site action menu item Custom Action which opens a Sharepoint 15 app (default.aspx) as modal dialog. is it possible? thanks.
3 Answers
There is out of the box support for opening a dialog from custom action. Add following attributes to the CustomAction XML node --
- HostWebDialog : Set it to true if you want to open a dialog
- HostWebDialogWidth: Width of the dialog
- HostWebDialogHeight: Height of the dialog
For more information go to my blog here. Hope this would help you.
what I meant with
site action menu
was that menu contians site setting and site content, under the gear. I want to have a menu there that you can open an sharePoint app in a modal winodow. the exampel in your link is for List under EditControlBlock– MedesCommented Aug 8, 2014 at 7:49
Open Elements.xml file of custom action and add following attributes in tag.
and then in your aspx page add
<WebPartPages:AllowFraming ID="AllowFraming" runat="server"/>
For detail documentation go to this link - How to create custom action opens in Modal - SharePoint App
You should be able to do it through the following way:
1) Create a SharePoint page: placeHolder.aspx
2) Create an AppPart/Client WebPart for your App and place it on placeHolder.aspx
3) Open placeHolder.aspx inside the Modal Dialog
4) Open the Modal Dialog from a custom action.
Do you mean a usual Custom Action or those that came with SharePoint Apps. If it is a usual how do I can point to the app part? and If it is a custom action app then how can I open a modal dialog. I have previously created Custom Actions which opened application pages as modal. but a usual Custom action can not be added to a SharePoint App project.– MedesCommented Feb 27, 2013 at 7:42