I have written a web part that has 3 extra properties that are all related. Right now each has its own title & input field. Is there a way I could make it 1 title with 3 fields?
I was not successful when using a struct for the field.
Public enum joinType{
[WebBrowsable(true), Category("custom"), WebDisplayName("Choice : Part 1"), WebDescription("Title of object"), PersonalizationScope(PersonalizationScope.Shared)]
Public string myTitle {get; set;}
[WebBrowsable(true), Category("custom"), WebDisplayName("Choice : Part 2"), WebDescription("Type of object"), PersonalizationScope(PersonalizationScope.Shared)]
Public joinType myType {get; set;}
[WebBrowsable(true), Category("custom"), WebDisplayName("Choice : Part 3"), WebDescription("Value of object"), PersonalizationScope(PersonalizationScope.Shared)]
Public string myTitle {get; set;}