I'm completely new to the activities like Single Sign On configuration. I need to implement SSO in my SharePoint Web Application for a one time login using AD credentials. Somebody please provide any documentation or step by step procedure in this regard. Thanks!


1 Answer 1


Single Sign-On means something else to different people - e.g. one-time authentication and authorization across multiple systems (front or back-end) or simply being able to delegate credentials from the system you are logged-on to other systems while accessing a services or data.

In SharePoint 2010 for Authentication you could either configure Kerberos which actually allows users to automatically authenticate to SharePoint sites once they are logged-in onto their computers - but that is not single sign-on.

Other systems rely on Forms-based authentication (or Claims-based for more complex scenarios)

Or...rely on Secure-Store, if you are only interested in back-end authentication between SharePoint and other systems, e.g. some back-end systems.

  • nice post, agreed it really does depend on what your chosen authentication model is. Abraham - if you can please disclose what version of SharePoint has been implemented and what its chosen authenciation model is (Claims / Classic / Forms / Kerberos) then perhaps the community can give you a better idea.
    – pigeon
    Commented Dec 9, 2012 at 7:51
  • Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the response. I'm actually looking for a functionality which allows users to automatically authenticate to SharePoint sites once they are logged-in onto their computers in their domain. Can you pls share more on this. Your help is appreciated. -Abraham Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 11:00
  • Kerberos is the way to go (it will even solve classical problems such as opening documents from SharePoint libraries, etc.). Just be aware that even though configuring it with SharePoint is not very complicated, it does require infrastructure support. Commented Dec 20, 2012 at 21:56
  • Hi Can you please share any step by step documentation regarding this? I have same kind of requirement which has to be implemented against my AD credentials. Thanks a lot! Abraham Commented Jan 8, 2013 at 11:58

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