You might want to consider re-architecting this solution as I can tell you from experience that the wider a list gets, the worse it performs. Certain browsers, like Internet Explorer, choke when rendering large complex views of data, often taking minutes to display or simply locking the system entirely. Lastly, there is a real-world limitation on how much data a human being can digest on a screen which is practically speaking, around 50 columns, not 725. Data Entry in such a system sounds like something bordering on the sadistic.
If this is intended for tracking some machine readings or other such content, it might make more sense to move this to a SQL database and then expose the table as a list in SharePoint through BCS. If this data is hierarchical in nature (master-detail) then split it up that way, with a master list that keeps the non-repeating data and a detail list of the repeating columns.
It is also possible that SharePoint is simply not the right tool for the job. SharePoint can do a lot of amazing things, but it cannot do everything.