We have a calendar in sharepoint 2010 Foundation that we have added some extra columns and workflows but I am trying to impliment a followup date.
At the moment all we have done is created a calculated column and added 14 days to it, this then is used in the workflow to pause for 14 days, but I also want the option when the user is entering the details into the calendar to add a specific date for follow up or default to end time + 14 days.
I thought that I would be able to add a date and time column and calculate the default value, but it appears that you can only use Today in the calculate field for a date and time column and I need to use the "end time" column + 14 days.
I've searched and tried to think of another way to do this and would appreciate any suggestions
this should work... You can use your existing columns in the list, not necessary to be [Today]..