I am new in powershell, i want to save a file which powershell will automatically create new subfolder in sharepoint 2010 and save it ( the subfolder named should be todayname i.e. 25Oct2012) :

here is the script :

$sharepointsave = "SiteURL+DocumentLibrarypath" + "/" + $today + "/"

New-Item $sharepointsave -type directory -Force

$sharepointpath = "SiteURL+DocumentLibrarypath" + "/" + $today + "/"
$sharepointsave = $sharepointpath + $filename + $today + ".xls"


however, it couldn't create the subfolder ... would you please help

Thanks very much

Best Regards Mary

  • Mary, can you please echo or Write-Host the $today variable, I think it contains some special characters which are invalid for a folder name! Commented Oct 25, 2012 at 15:40

1 Answer 1



I think the $today variable returns some special characters with it, which are invalid for a folder name and that causes it not to create the folder...

Can you please try date formatting like:

$completeFolderName = Get-Date -format dMMMyyyy

Reference to Date Formats in Powershell

UPDATE: Here is how you create folders from PowerShell:

PS > $spFolder = $spDocumentLibrary.AddItem( 
>> "",[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder,"My New Folder" 
PS > $spFolder.Update()

Please refer to: Use PowerShell Cmdlets to Manage SharePoint Document Libraries

  • Hi, I have tried this, but it cannot create the subfolder in sharepoint (e.g. subfolder name'25Oct2012')
    – Mary
    Commented Oct 29, 2012 at 7:15
  • it said "Path not found" in sharepoint , so ...i guess it cannot create new subfolder...
    – Mary
    Commented Oct 29, 2012 at 7:16
  • Mary, I have updated the answer Commented Oct 29, 2012 at 14:23

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