I've got a list, which has two SharePoint Designer workflows running on them. Both are fairly simple workflows. The first workflow, New Request is initiated on item creation, and it set's a field value based on some conditional logic I have set up. The second workflow, Change Notification, is initiated on item changed, and just sends out an e-mail upon item change.
My problem is, that the New Request workflow, when it sets the item field value, kicks off the Change Notification workflow, which I do not want to happen. I tried creating an "If Current Item:Created equals Current Item:Modified" branch, hoping it would catch the change from the New Request workflow, but the Change Notification e-mail is still getting triggered. In essence, I'm attempting to create a condition that can detect whether the change was made by a user, or simply the field being set in the New Request workflow.
I thought I might be able to set up a simple list alert, but as I need the alert to be sent to the person specified in a field, this solution doesn't meet the business need. I even tried to create a calculated column, called "Diff", with a formula of =IF((Modified-Created)>0.01, "New", "Not New")
However, the email I receive every time is from the "else" branch at the end.