I am trying to add a list using the addlist method of Lists webservice. I am not sure how actually I have to get that done.

But I have tried this taking MSDN as reference 1 Added the Lists WebService reference in my empty sharepoint project 2 Added a New Application Page in my solution 3 Have added this code in my Page_Load function

Lists listreference = new Lists(); listreference.Url = "http://'My_Servername'/_vti_bin/lists.asmx"; listreference.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; XmlNode ndList = listreference.AddList("WSList", "Adding List using WS", 100); Label1.Text = "List Created";

4.My solution is successfully deployed but I don't see it in my SPSITE. 5 Am I missing something or Is it not the application page that I should Use or Any other idea??

Any help in making my effort successful would be deeply appreciated

  • Hey All, I achieved it.. No Problem Will post If I face any trouble
    – kart
    Commented Aug 28, 2012 at 12:09

2 Answers 2


I think issue in this line: XmlNode ndList = listreference.AddList("WSList", "Adding List using WS", 100); Label1.Text = "List Created";

Following code is working for me:

        string listName = "Custom List";
        string description = "List created using SharePoint Web Service";
        // template id for Custom List - 100
        int templateId=100;
        Lists listReference = new Lists();
        listReference.Url = "http://server/_vti_bin/lists.asmx";
        listReference.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
        listReference.AddList(listName, description,templateId);
  • Hi Ravi, I did the same.. But I have passed the values dynamically. Thanks for the correction
    – kart
    Commented Aug 29, 2012 at 5:39

I achieved it.. No Problem Will post If I face any trouble

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