I have to use Visual Web Part that retreives data from sharepoint list and produces some custom html. I want then to render that custom html as part of the Visual Web Part. Here is the html that I need to render as part of my web part

'<iframe frameborder=' + '"' + '0' + '"' + 'scrolling=' + '"' + 'no' + '"' + 'src=' + '"' + playerUrl  +'"' + 'width=' + '"' + '100%' + '"' + 'height=' + '"' + '100%' + '"' + '</iframe>');
  • What problem are you having? Do you need guidance on the Visual Web Part or the Asp.Net conventions? Are you getting an error?
    – Dave Wise
    Commented Jul 23, 2012 at 15:04

1 Answer 1


I did something very similar when I needed to override properties of a Page Viewer Web Part.

The key is to use the System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter class.



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