I'm about to embark on a project whose goal is to take a Sharepoint wiki of documentation, and add an index as the left nav (right now, there's only search). As users click on an index item, the right hand side populates with the document from sharepoint. Sounds like a relatively simple AJAX job, but since SharePoint is new for me, I'm not sure I even know the questions to ask.
To start, I'm wondering if my AJAX components (JS & associated CSS/HTML) can live on a separate webserver, or if it needs to run on the same server where Sharepoint is installed? Our IT department tries to isolate applications from data whenever possible, and this has been classified as "data", not an application. What is a best-practices strategy for where CSS, JS, and HTML lives--relative to SharePoint's home directory?
Second, in hunting down API documentation, I'm found MSDN's resources to be quite confusing. There's a lot of contradictions and a lot of user comments about poor/outdated documentation. Does anyone have any recommendations for some good resources for AJAX and Sharepoint, inlcuding code sample libraries? I tend to work best when I can explore code and experiment with it to understand what any why it does what it does.