So, I have an user profile synchronization service application configured for a production farm.
When I go to manage services on server (through central admin) it shows this :-
User Profile Service Application - Started
User Profile Synchronization Service - Starting
The second service is stuck on starting for more than a week now.
I checked services.msc and found that
Forefront Identity Manager Service was started
Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service couldnt start.
The event viewer error log showed this message
The service was unable to start because the version of the database does not match the version of the product.
I have googled my way to understand this issue and in all likelyhood I am getting this conclusion that the service account under which user profile service application is running does not have the necessary replication rights on the Active Directory. Also I did go through the holy grail of this subject mentioned on : to further support my conclusions.
However, before I start buzzing the Server Team who are managing the active directory , I would like to have a second opinion over here. Please guide me out on this.