Is there a flag / property to identify custom content types in SharePoint 2010 ? I know when creating new content types its possible to put them in a group (for exc. custom content types), but is it somehow possible to find out if existing content types are out of the box or custom created ? I mean is there something like a flag or property that can be queried with powershell/console application to find out if a content type is custom ?

Thanks a lot for answers !


4 Answers 4


Old question but I thought I'd post a possible solution here for anyone looking.

There is no such flag and using SPBuiltInContentTypeId is not sufficient because it doesn't include all built in content types.

Based on the SharePoint 2013 content types here I've cobbled this together. I've run this on my own farm and the only content types I got back that weren't user-created were SQL Server Reporting Services ones. The list of content types was small enough for me to manually filter these out.


Function global:Get-SPWebApplication($WebAppURL)
    return [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebApplication]::Lookup($WebAppURL)

Function global:Write-File($contenttype, $url)
    foreach ($ct in $allcts)
        $isCustomCT = $true

        if ($contenttype.Id.ToString() -eq $ct)
            $isCustomCT = $false

    if ($isCustomCT -eq $true)
        "$($contenttype.Name)`t$($contenttype.ID)`t$($url)`t$($contenttype.Group))"  | Out-File $File -append

$allcts = "0x"`

#Get the SharePoint Farm. Equallent to : Get-SPFarm commandlet
$Farm = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]::Local

#Get All feature of the farm. Equallent to: Get-SPFeature commandlet
$FarmFeatures= $Farm.FeatureDefinitions

$File = Read-Host("Enter the path of the file")

$WebAppURL = Read-Host("Enter your WebApp URL here")
$WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication $WebAppURL

#Scan Web Application Features
#Write the Header to "Tab Separated File"
"CT Name`tCT ID`tURL`tCT Group" | out-file $File

foreach($ctype in $WebApp.ContentTypes)
    Write-File $ctype $WebAppURL

#Get All site collections of the Web Application  
$SitesColl = $webApp.Sites

#Iterate through each site collection/sub-site
foreach($Site in $SitesColl)
    #Iterate through each content type at Site collection level
    foreach($ctype in $site.ContentTypes)
        Write-File $ctype $site.Url

    foreach($web in $site.AllWebs)
        #Iterate through each content type at web level
        foreach($ctype in $web.ContentTypes)
            Write-File $ctype $Web.Url

SPBuiltInContentTypeID: A class that retrieves SPContentTypeId objects that represent identifiers (IDs) for built-in content types.


As far as I know, there is no such flag/property. But luckily built in content type ids are documented:


You can use it to compare your content type's id to determine if its custom or OTB.


Comparing my custom content type id with the list of avaliable SPBuiltInContentTypeIDs doesnt seem to work - there are a lot more built-in content types that have not been documented here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.spbuiltincontenttypeid_members.aspx

for eg: video, audio, indicaors, reports - these are available OOTB with SP, but are not listed in the above link.

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