I am in one sharepoint site and want to get the news from another one
I have my method
async function fetch(sp: SPFI, filterSite: string = null) {
try {
const myurl = "https://mygroup.sharepoint.com/sites/my-other-site";
const web1 = Web(myurl);
const web2 = Web([sp.web, myurl]);
const web3 = Web(myurl).using(SPFx(this.context));
const web3Info = await web3();
const web2Info = await web2();
const web1Info = await web1();
any of these await methods throws
Error: No observers registered for this request. (https://pnp.github.io/pnpjs/queryable/queryable#no-observers-registered-for-this-request)
at Proxy.execute (queryable.js:85:1)
at Proxy.start (timeline.js:185:1)
where is the problem?