I have created a new Content Type with custom columns. Some of them must be indexed, so I need to link them to some RefinableString values.

But after 2 days I have created these columns, in the Search admin interface when I search for the column they do not show up.

Is there a way to force SharePoint being aware that those columns are already in place?

I'm completely stucked in this infinite waiting, could you please help?

Thank you

  • On-premises or Online? Commented Sep 3 at 9:00
  • 1
    Sorry, you're right: I'm on SharePoint online
    – caneta
    Commented Sep 3 at 9:01

2 Answers 2


Empty fields will not be processed by crawler in order to create crawled properties. Try to populate at least one of these and wait max 15 mins.

  • I know that I need to populate the list for the crawler to work properly, so 2 days ago I've also inserted some rows in my list (filling up every column), but nothing changed so far...I've never experieced a waiting so long...
    – caneta
    Commented Sep 3 at 10:14
  • You've never experienced because it's not usual :) I suppose you have searched them in crawled properties not in managed, right? Commented Sep 3 at 10:26
  • So have you the same experiencs? How long this wait could last? I've never experieced more than one day...Yes, crawled properties...
    – caneta
    Commented Sep 3 at 10:28
  • In my experience a new populated field take minutes to be crawled... which type of costum columns you have created? Commented Sep 3 at 10:30
  • tried to create columns of the following types: - site column of type single line of text - a column of type single line of text - site column of taxonomy type
    – caneta
    Commented Sep 3 at 10:42

In my personal experience, a crawled property does not take more than 72 hours to be created, even if in most cases it is visible after a few minutes in the dedicated section of the site collection (/_layouts/15/listcrawledproperties.aspx?level=sitecol) or in the tenant level section (/_layouts/15/searchadmin/ta_listcrawledproperties.aspx?level=tenant). I don't think it is possible to force the creation of a crawled (it wasn't even on-prem if I remember correctly) but you could try to set the entire site collection as "to be reindexed" by navigating to this link /_layouts/15/srchvis.aspx and clicking on "Reindex Site". The only other thing that comes to mind is that there was some problem with the custom fields you created (internal names, strange characters, I don't know...) even if it seems difficult to me given the TEXT and Managed typology.

Other reference: https://sharepointmaven.com/how-to-find-the-correct-crawled-property-for-your-sharepoint-column/

At this link there is also a list of checks that you can do before opening a ticket to MS https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/sharepoint-online-crawled-properties-not-being/69ccb809-8095-4563-9aef-82caf87cc63d

Finally here is an article that explains how to check the logs for errors https://www.sharepointdiary.com/2019/07/get-search-crawl-log-in-sharepoint-online-using-powershell.html

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