I have few SharePoint sites that were created, each of them having few news posts and some documents.

We now are consolidating our SharePoint sites and those sites should now be combined in one unique one.

To move the documents, it is not that difficult, I can download all in one go, then upload to the other site with a couple of drag and drops.

But for the news entries and pages, it is another story.

How can we move the news entries to the consolidation site? What are the issues I should expect (dead links,...)?

1 Answer 1


One of the things you can use, is PowerAutomate to copy pages:


Have also a look here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sharepoint/move-copy-sharepoint-pages-from-one-site-to-another-in-classic/m-p/2544668 enter image description here

Another option, very good for List Items, Documents, but a bit more complicated is Powershell script. For this checkout the PnP Module: https://pnp.github.io/powershell/cmdlets/Copy-PnPFile.html

As for the issues, yes, you can expect dead links, but maybe SharePoint redirect can help with this:

As part of changing a SharePoint site address, moving a site to a different geo location, or swapping a site, we automatically create redirects to ensure that links pointing to the prior URL continue to work. These redirects are sites that use a special site template at the prior site URL.

For example, if you changed a site address from https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/OldSiteName to https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/NewSiteName or moved a site from https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/SiteName to https://contosoEUR.sharepoint.com/sites/SiteName, we'll place a redirect (Template type REDIRECTSITE#0) at the old URL, which contains special headers and logic to redirect your browser requests to the new site.


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