I have a SharePoint library named Marketing, which contain 137,000 files/folders + 769 GB.. as follow:-

enter image description here

now the library contains many subfolders with those storage matrix:-

thumbnail image 2 of blog post titled

and the Creative subfolder contain those storage matrix as well:-

enter image description here

now can i benefit from power automate or other built-in tools to move those files from one site to another within the same tenant? or this will not work? now i can not use the built-in move action in SharePoint due to its limitation:-

Copying/Moving multiple files in a single operation has three requirements: No more than 100-GB total file size. No more than 30,000 files. File size limits: 2 GB limit for OneNote files. 15 GB file size limit for cross-geo copy or move.

any advice? on the best way to move the file/folders within the Marketing library?

1 Answer 1


Migration software

For large migrations of data between sites, you could utilise SharePoint migration software such as ShareGate.

Use the copy to/move to functionality in SharePoint Online

You could split the job in to multiple operations using the copy to or move to functionality in SharePoint Online.

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