I have a document collection in SharePoint online where uploads fail after 250MB. That of course is the limit for list attachments. But it's definitely a document collection.

The only thing special about the document collection are the access permissions which are a bit peculiar: Uploaders don't have access to the root of the collection but only dedicated folders.

I'm wondering:

  • Could the permissions somehow interfere with file uploads to the effect that SharePoint falls back on the 250MB limit instead of 250GB?
  • Are there any other settings that may interfere with large file uploads to document collections?

2 Answers 2


Your permissions setup should not cause the 250MB limit. Normally, if a user has the right to add items, they can upload files.

A few things can affect uploading big files:

  1. How your library is set up.
  2. If you’re syncing your library to your computer.
  3. If you’re trying to upload a file over 250MB, it’s better to break it into smaller chunks.

More info on permissions: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/modern-experience-sharing-permissions

More info on limits: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/servicedescriptions/sharepoint-online-service-description/sharepoint-online-limits


Found the problem. It's indeed a permissions problem. I used custom permission levels to grant the uploader as little permissions as possible. Obviously the uploader needs "Add Items". "View Items" is implied. I also granted "Delete Items", so that uploaders can correct their mistakes. With these three permissions the upload limit is 250MB, despite the folder residing in a Document Library.

To get the correct 250GB limit two additional permissions are needed: "Edit Items" and "Open Items". With all 5 permissions the uploader can upload files larger than 250MB.

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