I have a Document Set defined and I created a default view on the library using the Tiles format, so it appears like this:
I want to have it so that when I click on the tile representing the Document Set, it switches to the normal folder/file view ("List") of a document library, like:
However, it always stays in the Tiles view.
I have a view I created "Tiles" and I made that the default view. In the view config, under "Folders", I have "Show items inside folders" and for "Show this View" I selected "In the top-level folder". It will not allow me to select "In folders of content type" - it is grayed out.
I created another view "Library" and under "Folders" for "Show this view" I selected "in folders of content type" and selected "Folder".
Then I put the Document Library web part on a page. It defaults to the Tiles view, but when I click on a Tile, it stays in the Tiles view - it does not switch to the "Library" view to just show the files and folders without the tiles.
Is there any way to do that?