I created a library (SharePointPlus) that permits to deal with SharePoint API. Part of this lib, I have a function to parse a "SQL-like" string to CAML.
The function is hosted there and it's called $SP().parse.
For example, you could write $SP().parse('onPremisesSamAccountName = "user1" OR onPremisesSamAccountName = "user2"');
and it will return '<Or><Eq><FieldRef Name="onPremisesSamAccountName" /><Value Type="Text">user1</Value></Eq><Eq><FieldRef Name="onPremisesSamAccountName" /><Value Type="Text">user2</Value></Eq></Or>'
It's handy because you can write complex SQL-like sentences and get the CAML equivalent.
You probably don't want to install my whole lib, so below it's the extracted part that you need:
function _cleanString(str) {
return str.replace(/&(?!amp;|lt;|gt;)/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">");
function parse(q, escapeChar) {
// schema: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/schema/query-schema
var queryString = q.replace(/(\s+)?(=|~=|<=|>=|~<>|<>|<|>| LIKE | IN )(\s+)?/g,"$2").replace(/""|''/g,"Null").replace(/==/g,"="); // remove unnecessary white space & replace '
// the Null doesn't work with IN, so we need to move it outside
if (/\w+ IN \[([^[]+,)?Null,?/.test(queryString)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
queryString = queryString.replace(/(\w+) IN \[([^\[]+,)?Null(,[^\]]+)?\]/g,"($1 = Null OR $&)") // eslint-disable-next-line
var factory = [];
escapeChar = (escapeChar===false ? false : true)
var limitMax = queryString.length;
var closeOperator="", closeTag = "", ignoreNextChar=false;
var lastField = "";
var parenthesis = {open:0};
var lookupId = false;
for (var i=0; i < queryString.length; i++) {
var letter = queryString.charAt(i);
switch (letter) {
case "(": // find the deepest (
var start = i;
var openedApos=false;
while (queryString.charAt(i) == "(" && i < limitMax) { i++; parenthesis.open++; }
// find the corresponding )
while (parenthesis.open>0 && i < limitMax) {
// if there is a ' opened then ignore the ) until the next '
var charAtI = queryString.charAt(i);
if (charAtI=="\\") ignoreNextChar=true; // when we have a backslash \ then ignore the next char
else if (!ignoreNextChar && (charAtI=="'" || charAtI=='"')) openedApos=!openedApos;
else if (!ignoreNextChar && charAtI=="(" && !openedApos) parenthesis.open++;
else if (!ignoreNextChar && charAtI==")" && !openedApos) parenthesis.open--;
else ignoreNextChar=false;
var lastIndex = factory.length-1;
// concat with the first index
if (lastIndex>=0) {
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] = "<"+closeOperator+">"+factory[0];
factory[0] += parse(queryString.substring(start+1, i));
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] += "</"+closeOperator+">";
closeOperator = "";
} else {
factory[0] = parse(queryString.substring(start+1, i));
case "[": // for operator IN
var start = i; // eslint-disable-line
var openedApos=false; // eslint-disable-line
// find the corresponding ]
while (i < limitMax) {
// if there is a ' opened then ignore the ) until the next '
var charAtI = queryString.charAt(i); // eslint-disable-line
if (charAtI=="\\") ignoreNextChar=true; // when we have a backslash \then ignore the next char
else if (!ignoreNextChar && (charAtI=="'" || charAtI=='"')) openedApos=!openedApos;
else if (!ignoreNextChar && !openedApos && charAtI=="]") break;
else ignoreNextChar=false;
var lastIndex = factory.length-1; // eslint-disable-line
var arrIn = JSON.parse('[' + queryString.substring(start+1, i) + ']');
// we want to detect the type for the values
var typeIn = "Text";
switch(typeof arrIn[0]) {
case "number": typeIn = "Number"; break;
default: {
// check if it starts with ~ and then it's a number -- lookupid
if (arrIn[0].charAt(0) === "~" && typeof (arrIn[0].slice(1)*1) === "number") {
typeIn = "Integer";
// change all array values
arrIn.forEach(function(e,i) { arrIn[i]=e.slice(1) })
factory[lastIndex] += '<FieldRef Name="'+lastField+'" '+(typeIn==="Integer"?'LookupId="True"':'')+' /><Values><Value Type="'+typeIn+'">' + arrIn.join('</Value><Value Type="'+typeIn+'">') + '</Value></Values>' + closeTag;
lastField = "";
closeTag = "";
// concat with the first index
if (lastIndex>0) {
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] = "<"+closeOperator+">"+factory[0];
factory[0] += factory[lastIndex];
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] += "</"+closeOperator+">";
closeOperator = "";
case ">": // look at the operand
case "<":
if (queryString.charAt(i) == "=") { // >= or <=
closeTag = "</"+(letter==">"?"G":"L")+"eq>";
} else if (letter == "<" && queryString.charAt(i) == ">") { // <>
closeTag = "</Neq>";
} else {
closeTag = "</"+(letter==">"?"G":"L")+"t>";
case "~": // special operator '~=' and '~<>' for lookup
if (queryString.charAt(i+1) == "=" || (queryString.charAt(i+1) === '<' && queryString.charAt(i+2) === '>')) {
case "=":
closeTag = "</Eq>";
case " ": // check if it's AND or OR
if (queryString.substring(i,i+5).toUpperCase() == " AND ") {
// add the open tag in the array
closeOperator = "And";
else if (queryString.substring(i,i+4).toUpperCase() == " OR ") {
// add the open tag in the array
closeOperator = "Or";
else if (queryString.slice(i,i+6).toUpperCase() == " LIKE ") {
closeTag = "</Contains>";
else if (queryString.slice(i,i+4).toUpperCase() == " IN ") {
closeTag = "</In>";
else lastField += letter;
case '"': // look now for the next "
case "'":
var apos = letter;
var word = "", other="";
while ((letter = queryString.charAt(++i)) != apos && i < limitMax) {
if (letter === "\\" && queryString.charAt(i+1) === apos) letter = queryString.charAt(++i);
lastIndex = factory.length-1;
factory[lastIndex] += '<FieldRef Name="'+lastField+'" '+(word=="[Me]"?'LookupId="True" ':'')+'/>';
lastField = "";
var type = "Text"; //(isNaN(word) ? "Text" : "Number"); // check the type
// check automatically if it's a DateTime
if (/\d{4}-\d\d?-\d\d?((T| )\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})?/.test(word)) {
// check if we want to evaluate the TIME also
if (/\d{4}-\d\d?-\d\d?((T| )\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/.test(word)) other=' IncludeTimeValue="TRUE"';
if (escapeChar) word = _cleanString(word);
// special words ([Today] and [Me])
if (word === "[Me]") {
word = '<UserID Type="Integer" />';
type = "Integer";
} else if (word.slice(0,6) == "[Today") {
// find the offset if defined
word = '<Today OffsetDays="'+(1*word.slice(6,-1))+'" />';
factory[lastIndex] += '<Value Type="'+type+'"'+other+'>'+word+'</Value>';
factory[lastIndex] += closeTag;
closeTag = "";
// concat with the first index
if (lastIndex>0) {
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] = "<"+closeOperator+">"+factory[0];
factory[0] += factory[lastIndex];
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] += "</"+closeOperator+">";
closeOperator = "";
case "0": case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9":
if (closeTag != "") { // it's the value
var value = letter;
while (!isNaN(letter = queryString.charAt(++i)) && i < limitMax) value+=""+letter;
lastIndex = factory.length-1;
factory[lastIndex] += '<FieldRef Name="'+lastField+'"'+(lookupId?' LookupId="True"':'')+' />';
lastField = "";
factory[lastIndex] += '<Value Type="'+(lookupId?"Integer":"Number")+'">'+value.replace(/ $/,"")+'</Value>';
factory[lastIndex] += closeTag;
closeTag = "";
// concat with the first index
if (lastIndex>0) {
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] = "<"+closeOperator+">"+factory[0];
factory[0] += factory[lastIndex];
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] += "</"+closeOperator+">";
closeOperator = "";
default: // eslint-disable-line
if (closeTag == "") lastField += letter;
else if (letter.toLowerCase() == "n" && queryString.substring(i,i+4).toLowerCase() == "null") { // if we have NULL as the value
lastIndex = factory.length-1;
if (closeTag == "</Neq>") { // <>
factory[lastIndex] = "<IsNotNull>";
closeTag = "</IsNotNull>";
} else if (closeTag == "</Eq>") { // =
factory[lastIndex] = "<IsNull>";
closeTag = "</IsNull>";
factory[lastIndex] += '<FieldRef Name="'+lastField+'" />';
lastField = "";
factory[lastIndex] += closeTag;
closeTag = "";
// concat with the first index
if (lastIndex>0) {
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] = "<"+closeOperator+">"+factory[0];
factory[0] += factory[lastIndex];
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] += "</"+closeOperator+">";
closeOperator = "";
else if ((letter.toLowerCase() === "t" && queryString.substring(i,i+4).toLowerCase() === "true") || (letter.toLowerCase() === "f" && queryString.substring(i,i+5).toLowerCase() === "false")) { // when we have TRUE/FALSE as the value
lastIndex = factory.length-1;
if (letter.toLowerCase() === "f") i++;
factory[lastIndex] += '<FieldRef Name="'+lastField+'" /><Value Type="Boolean">'+(letter.toLowerCase() === "t"?1:0)+'</Value>';
lastField = "";
factory[lastIndex] += closeTag;
closeTag = "";
// concat with the first index
if (lastIndex>0) {
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] = "<"+closeOperator+">"+factory[0];
factory[0] += factory[lastIndex];
if (closeOperator != "") factory[0] += "</"+closeOperator+">";
closeOperator = "";
return factory.join("");
Now, if you have an array of users, you could do:
var users = [ "user1", "user2", "user3", "user4" ];
parse(users.map(function(user) { return 'onPremisesSamAccountName = "'+user+'"'}).join(" AND "));
You can also complexify if you need to have an "OR", or to compare with some other columns.