I created a simple SPFx web part, bundled and created the solution package using the following commands.
gulp clean
gulp bundle --ship
gulp package-solution --ship
Then uploaded the .sppkg to my app catalog (https://.sharepoint.com/sites/apps). But after uploading the .sppkg file it doesn't seem to get deployed and the "Deploy" button stays enabled. When the "Deploy" button is clicked, I get the deploy confirmation dialog but the deploy button says enabled - seems like the deployment didn't happen successfully. When I try add the app from another site's Site Contents, the app doesn't even show up.
Toolchain and versions:
node: 16.18.0
npm: 8.19.2
gulp: 2.3.0 (CLI), 4.0.2 (Local)
@microsoft/generator-sharepoint: 8.19.2