I have a workflow that uses a custom dll that I built. I have placed the dll into Inetpub website bin folder.
custom dll has 2 classes XMLUtilities now refferd to as xml Sharepoint helper now refered to as sharepoint
xml has a function called xml to dictionary wich takes a xmlfile and converts it to a string, string dictionary now refered to as xml function.
sharepoint has a function called getdocumentset now refered to as sharepoint function
xml function has only got generic c# dependencies sharepoint funciton has dependencies on Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement.DocumentSets
here are the function as mentioned above
xml function
/// <summary>
/// DeSerializes a Serialized Dictionary
///<Property Key="">Value</Property>
///<Property Key="">Value</Property>
///<Property Key="">Value</Property>
///<Property Key="">Value</Property>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmldata"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Dictionary<string, string> XmlToDictionary(string xmldata)
string key = null;
string value = null;
Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
byte[] rawXmldata = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(xmldata);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(rawXmldata);
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream);
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.Name.Equals("Dictionary") )
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
key = reader.GetAttribute(0);
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
value = reader.Value;
if (key == null || value == null)
dictionary.Add(key, value);
key = null;
value = null;
return dictionary;
sharepoint function
public static DocumentSet GetDocumentSetByPath(SPWeb web, string path)
SPFolder folder = web.GetFolder(path);
return DocumentSet.GetDocumentSet(folder);
the calling method code is:
private void DocSetExists_Execution(object sender, ConditionalEventArgs e)
DocumentSet docSet = SharepointHelper.GetDocumentSetByPath(workflowProperties.Web, path);
if (docSet == null)
e.Result = false;
e.Result = true;
I have tried with elevated privlages
private void DocSetExists_Execution(object sender, ConditionalEventArgs e)
DocumentSet docSet = SharepointHelper.GetDocumentSetByPath(workflowProperties.Web, path);
if (docSet == null)
e.Result = false;
e.Result = true;
when the workflow calls the xml function it works fine when it calls the sharepoint function it throws a Sharepoint security exception
my assumption is that it cannot access the dll for documentsets but I would assume sharepoint to have access to such a dll. any ides ?