I skipped one Feature Pack (e.g Feature Pack 2), but installed latest security update in SharePoint 2016. Is there any issue will be? Let me explain you: I have installed latest January 2022 Patch (Language Independent Files) Directly without installed September 2017 Patch (Language Independent Files) - Feature Pack 2 . Can I install latest June 2022 patch directly again?



1 Answer 1


You must install the latest non-locale and locale-specific patch. In other words, you cannot skip FP2. If you do not install the latest locale-specific patch (there isn't always one for a given month), you may run into errors, such as missing resource strings, errors on pages, etc.

For example, if there is a non-locale and local-specific patch for June 2022, you must install both. If there is only a non-locale patch for June 2022, you must install the last available (say May 2022) locale-specific patch.

  • Thanks @Trevor Seward, Can I install FP 2 now.( Already installed Jan 2022 security update) Commented Jul 4, 2022 at 12:27

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