Under the advanced list settings I'm able to limit the editing of elements only for those who are listed as creators of the list element.

Is it possible to have more than one "creator" of a list element which gives the possibility to edit an item in a list? (editing should be possible for visitors, not only site owners which can - by default - see and edit everything).

1 Answer 1


My answer assumes you are referring to the Advanced setting, Item-level permissions.

When Create and Edit access is set to Create items and edit items that were created by the user, the following roles can edit: 1) The user who created the item, 2) users assigned Full Control, and 3) users assigned Design.

When Create and Edit access is set to Create and edit all items, the following roles can edit: 1) The user who created the item, 2) users assigned Full Control, and 3) users with a minimum of Contribute.

enter image description here

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