I'm looking for a calculated column formula which will calculate 1st January 2022 as week 1. I'm in Europe, so, like most of the world, my date field 01/01/2022 = 1st January 2022.
I would like 1st January til 7th January to be week 1. 8th January - 14th January should be week 2.
I've found loads of articles for calculating other types of dates like the ISO date or Financial Year dates, but mine should be simple and yet I can't seem to find a formula which can do this. The closest I found was by Nate Chamberlain, but it didn't return the weeks correctly for me.
Update - extra notes relating to Santosh's answer
For other years, past and future, a separate calculated column is needed. Please see the screen shot below to illustrate why this is needed.
The formula provided by Santosh needs to be adjusted very slightly to allow it to function for each year; very simple.