I'm trying to make a calculated column with a 5 level conditional as follows:
=SI([Impacto Inherente]="Crítico";400;(SI([Impacto Inherente]="Mayor";300;(SI([Impacto Inherente]="Moderado";200;(SI([Impacto Inherente]="Menor";100;(SI([Impacto Inherente]="Insignificante";50;0)))))))))
This worked perfectly fine in Excel and I think it's properly written, but I keep geeting a sintax error. I've tried commas instead of semi-colons, I've tried it in english (IF), I've tried just one of the clauses... It always tells me there's a sintax error. Could the issue be with the fact that I'm using a text column in the conditional comparison but trying to return a numerical value?
Although I tried to return the number as a string and it didn't work either. Frustrating.