Is there any way to estimate the document read time in SP Document library Tile view using JSON formatting.

Any help would be appreciated.

2 Answers 2



This is not possible using JSON formatting capabilities of SharePoint online.


  1. Use column formatting to customize SharePoint
  2. Use view formatting to customize SharePoint
  • I want to get URL from the Hyperlink column in the JSON Formatter, I am using [$ImageURL.Url] but can't getting the value from this. any Idea to how to get this url? May 26, 2021 at 7:04
  • No need to append .Url. Ask a new question & I will explain in detail. May 26, 2021 at 8:35

Per my research, you are unable to estimate the document read time using JSON formatting.


In addition, there is an OOB feature called Inside look, which provides a peek into documents with an estimated time to read the document and the author’s key points. enter image description here

Note:This feature is available exclusively on Word documents written in English.

More information for your reference:


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