SharePoint Separate farm for Disaster Recovery:
I want to Create Separate 2016 Farm in our company for Disaster recovery (DR).
What are the best practices to Prepare DR SP 2016 farm at SQL Server level?
From below which one is suitable options:
DBA Created two SQL Nodes one in DC and another one in DR, DBA given one AGLISTNER and he told use this to Connect to DC and Same for DR.
Behind AGLISTNER DBA Created one AG and I Prepared the DC SP farm and in this AG below SP Databases created
Config,Services,Content databases.
Here what are the suitable options to replicate databases from DC to DR SQL
- Sync or Replicate SP Content Databases to DR.
- Replicate all SP databases including Config database, Central administration, Services & Content databases.
For first option is it best practice to connect DR SQL Instance directly from DR SP Servers without AGListner?