My team is trialling the use of Sharepoint Online and Teams to replace a public network drive for our docs and work files. I'm running into a problem when trying to use git: creating the repo with git init works, but adding and committing files fails with an error:

fatal: cannot use .git/info/exclude as an exclude file

The repo in question is a very simple one, just 4 small files in a directory a couple of levels down from the root.

Are there known problems with using git on a shared document library, mapped as a network drive? I had a look at the list of limitations, and it doesn't seem like there should be problems.

At a previous job I had git repos in my OneDrive for Business, and it mostly worked fine (although I ran into intermittent sync glitches).

  • The .git directory does seem to be created correctly; I can see it both in Explorer and in the SPO docs library in the browser. The .git/info/exclude file is there as well
    – Hong Ooi
    Commented Mar 4, 2021 at 4:02

2 Answers 2


I would recommend using Azure DevOps or GitHub to host your repositories rather than a SharePoint document library. Microsoft recommend syncing SharePoint document libraries using the OneDrive for Business application rather than mapping a library to a network drive.

  • The use case is not that people are hosting repos in Sharepoint, but rather cloning them from Github/ADO/etc. In any case, it looks like using OD for Business is the better route
    – Hong Ooi
    Commented Mar 25, 2021 at 1:20

1.Add your SharePoint as windows drive in ms dos command prompt using below command.

net use z: https://xxx.xxx.com/xxx/xxx

2.Navigate to z drive and create a repo folder.

cd z:

makedir proj1

3.Create git repo

git init --bare

4.Navigate to local folder.

cd ”c:\repo"

5.Clone SharePoint repo in local folder.

git clone file://z:\proj1

  • A bare metal repo shouldn't be available for usage from within a SharePoint document library.
    – Dennis
    Commented Mar 20 at 13:26

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