I'm using the 'Look and Feel' > 'Navigation' system to create my own menu for my public facing website. Rather than automatically show subsites or pages, I'm constructing the menu manually by adding my own headings and links. As such the 'Navigation Editing and Sorting' section of the 'AreaNavigationSettings.aspx' page shows something like this (where [this] indicates a 'heading' and > indicates a link)..
Global Navigation
>Product 1
>Product 2
>Product 3
>Service 1
>Service 2
When this is rendered, the menu includes the parent site as the first item in the menu, such as
English US| Products | Services
Rather than show "English US", I'd rather show "Home". I can do this by changing the 'title' for the site, but we have 6 sites that act as parents, each with their own menu, and 4 of them would end up with titles of 'Home', making it confusing to know which site you're looking at in the 'Site Settings > Site Content and Structure' view (/_layouts/sitemanager.aspx).
Ideally I want to stop the parent site from being added automatically, and add a link manually for 'Home'. This would allow me to continue to title my sites 'English US' or 'English UK', so the structure view is more understandable.
Is is possible to remove the parent site from the menu, or stop the parent site from being added automatically?
(phew! long explanation for such a short question )