I am building my first spfx react webpart to be depoyed on SharePoint Online. I have trouble making react bootstrap work.
What i want to achieve is to open a form in a modal when the user click on a button. I am using react bootstrap to create a form and display it in a modal :
I include react bootsrap components this way in my component after installing the npm package :
import Form from 'react-bootstrap/Form';
import Modal from 'react-bootstrap/Modal';
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button';
react bootstrap needs bootstrap to be included for the styling to work. I first included bootrap css this way in the component tsx file :
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
All work fine and it is displayed properly but it has side effects on the Sharepoint UI, for example on other native sharepoint webparts.
So i used sass as described in this post to prevent leaking css: SPFX web part, CSS is leaking into the whole sharepoint site
Here is my custom scss file :
.my-app {
@import '../../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss';
I import my custom .scss file this way in the component :
import "./bootsrap-custom.scss";
The button is rendered properly with the css class .my-app. But now that i use sass the Modal and the Form are rendered without any style. The modal is displayed without styling at the bottom of the page.
If i put the Form outside of the modal the bootstrap css is applied properly to the Form.
I don't understand why when using sass this way the Modal and every element in this Modal are not rendered properly.