If I have an existing page in the site pages library. How can I change the headerlayout type to colorblock? It seems I can specify that when making the page through pnp provisioning or


But for an existing page, there doesn't seem to be a command.


Does anyone know?

2 Answers 2


You can achieve this in SPFx Web Part. `const file = await sp.web.getFileByServerRelativeUrl(this.newPageServerRelativeURL);

                    const page = await ClientsidePageFromFile(file);
                    page["json"].CanvasContent1 = "<div></ div>";
                    page["json"].PageLayoutType = "Article";
                    page["json"].BannerImageUrl = "/_layouts/15/images/sitepagethumbnail.png";
                    page["json"].PromotedState = 0;
                    page["_layoutPart"].properties["authors"] = this._Authors;
                    page["_layoutPart"].properties["layoutType"] = "FullWidthImage";//"ColorBlock";//"NoImage";
                    await page.save();`

You do not need to set the SharePoint modern page Header Layouts to the Color block layout by using PowerShell command.

SharePoint Online meets your needs with out-of-the-box UI design.

Please follow steps:

1.Create new page.

When the mouse hovers over the Title area, click on Edit web part button. Here are a variety of Layout options for you. enter image description here

2.Click the Colorblock option and publish your page. enter image description here

  • I know I can do that, but I'm looking for a code approach here.
    – omega
    Commented Dec 4, 2020 at 12:44

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