Is there any way to dynamically update the list in the 'list view web part' based on the url parameter?

My requirement is- I have a sharepoint modern/classic web page, in that I have to display list view web part. but that list should be dynamic based on the url parameter(example: listid).

1 Answer 1


Are you talking about below list view web part?

If so, it's possible to update its properties via code. For example, we can update it through PnPjs:

  • https://pnp.github.io/pnpjs/sp/clientside-pages/

    public async UpdateSitePage(): Promise<void> {
        const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
        if (!urlParams.has('listid') || this.props.disMode == DisplayMode.Edit) {
             ready: true
     const listid = urlParams.get('listid');
     let list: IListInfo;
     try {
       list = await sp.web.lists.getById(listid).get();
     } catch (e) {
         ready: true
     // use from the sp.web fluent chain
     const page = await sp.web.loadClientsidePage(window.location.pathname);
     const control = page.findControlById('81b84607-7f7a-49d8-b504-957a986d6e07') as ClientsideWebpart;
     let p = control.getProperties();
     if (p.selectedListId == listid) {
         ready: true
       return;    // the same list, no need to update
         selectedListId: listid,
         selectedListUrl: list.ParentWebUrl + "/Lists/" + list.Title,
         selectedViewId: null,
         webRelativeListUrl: "/Lists/" + list.Title
     control.data.webPartData.serverProcessedContent.searchablePlainTexts = { listTitle: list.Title };
     page.save().then(e => {

Test Demo:

enter image description here

The problem is that what we updated is the source page file. Imagic that there're a lot of people are visiting this page, it will get stuck into conflict.

Hence I do not suggest you update this web part property based on URL. you may consider developing a custom web part to display list item based on the passed parameter. MS has not exposed the source code of List view web part, we cannot extend it.


  • thank you for providing the insights.
    – Anil
    Commented Nov 24, 2020 at 12:24

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