I am running the below PowerShell script to get the all workflow in a given web application:
#For SharePoint 2007 Compatibility
Function global:Get-SPWebApplication($WebAppURL)
return [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebApplication]::Lookup($WebAppURL)
#Function to Get the workflow inventory for the entire web application
function Get-WorkflowInventory([string] $WebAppURL)
#Get the Web Application URL
$WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication $WebAppURL
#Iterate through each site collection
foreach ($Site in $WebApp.Sites)
#Loop through each site
foreach ($Web in $Site.AllWebs)
#Loop through each list
foreach ($List in $Web.Lists)
# Leave hidden Lists and Libraries
if($List.Hidden -eq $false)
foreach ($WorkflowAssociation in $List.WorkflowAssociations)
#Leave the "Previous Versions"
if($WorkflowAssociation.Name.Contains("Previous Version") -eq $false)
$data = @{
"Site" = $Site.Rootweb.Title
"Web" = $Web.Title
"Web URL" = $Web.Url
"List Name" = $List.Title
"List URL" = $Web.Url+"/"+$List.RootFolder.Url
"Workflow Name" = $WorkflowAssociation.Name
"Running Instances" = $WorkflowAssociation.RunningInstances
#Create a object
New-Object PSObject -Property $data
#call the function
Get-WorkflowInventory "http://sharepoint.crescent.com" | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path D:\Reports\WorkflowInventory.csv
write-host "Workflows Inventory report has been generated successfully!"
The above script is working fine which gives the output with the below columns:
- Site
- Web
- Web URL
- List Name
- List URL
- Workflow Name
- Running Instances
In the above report, I want to include the workflow last run/execution time - how can we do that as we don't see any property with the last run/execution time in $WorkflowAssociation?