I'm very new at list formatting. I've created a new list and are trying to get the columns to turn red/green/yellow depending on the date that you put in to the date-column.
I want the column to turn:
- red after 183 days
- yellow after 120 days
- green up to 119 days
- No color if no date is selected at all.
So far I've been successful in getting columns to turn green when they should. The rest of the columns is automatically turning red. I guess that I've been successful in getting columns to turn red too, but the issue is that empty column is automatically turning red too. The yellow color doesn't work at all.
I've read that if(Number) == 0,'' can be used for blank values, but I can't get it to work.
I've been using this JSON:
"elmType": "div",
"txtContent": "@currentField",
"style": {
"background-color": "=if(@currentField >= @now - 10281600000 ,'lightgreen', if(@currentField >= @now - 10368000000 ,'yellow', (if(@currentField >= @now - 15811200000, '#ffa59b','pink'))"
Anyone that can help me get this to work as I want?
condition to check if date is blank. when you want to color it red? 183 days after date field or 183 days before today's (current) date?