I created a list with AngularJS, using ng-repeat. The data comes from a SharePoint list. In my SharePoint list when I open to see the detail I can see the version history of the "Comments" field, it looks like this:
But when I open the detail in my Angular list, it only shows the latest message (And only the message, without the name of the person who wrote it and the date). My list looks like this:
So my question is how can I look for the version history and display it with Angular? And if possible with the name of the person and date.
Thanks to @Marko_Tica I know there is an api to call version history of each item, as it says in this answer. With this I have what I needed: to only show the version history of the "Comment's field". The thing now is that this formula forces me to make a call for each Item, because I need to specify the Item ID in the url:
My list contains like a thousand items. Also I'm already doing a call to show the List items in a table. When you click an item, a modal shows the detailed info, I need to put the version history of Comments within this modal.
How can I achieve that when you click on a certain item, the Version history of only the selected item is displayed?