I've successfully used REST in a HTTP call in my SPD 2013 workflow to break permission inheritance and assign unique permissions to various groups. I have another workflow where I want to re-inherit permissions or change the permission level for the existing assigned group on an item that has unique perms but no matter what I do I cannot get it to work.
I build dictionary with Accept and content-type set to application/json;odata=verbose.
I then set a variable with my URL like so: [workflow context:current site url]_api/lists/getbytitle/('ListName')/items(ID)/resetroleinheritance
The request type is POST. Each time I run the workflow the permissions remain unique and nothing changes, I get a Bad Request response in the responsecode. What am I doing wrong?
I must mention that this is a document set, but I successfully broke inheritance via the same method, I now need to do the reverse if possible. Thanks.
UPDATE: I got this working to a degree now, it turns out I had not registered this workflow app on the app permissions page, must have got confused when I did it on a test site. Rather than have to re-inherit perms and remove all the groups I don't want is there a way to remove just one groups role from the item that already has unique perms?