I am trying to fetch profile for current login user in SharePoint 2019. But if there is no profile image then it will throw error in img tag. So I created small component that if profile image is not there than it will bring default image. But my if the image is there still it did not bring. Kindly help me.
I am passing below url while calling,
const avatar = `${webUrl}/_layouts/15/userphoto.aspx?size=L&username=${email}`
<CustomImg src={avatar} />
above webUrl & email are coming pageContext
import React from 'react'
const CustomImg = (props: any) => {
let imagePath = ''
try {
imagePath = require(props.src)
} catch (err) {
imagePath = require('../assets/images/defaultAvatar.jpg')
return (
<img src={imagePath} className='img-thumbnail rounded-circle' alt='' />
export default CustomImg