Does anyone have any experience of renaming the SP2010 Service Application Databases. They were created and I don't recall an option to manually name them (as you can with Content DBs). They are in the format of:

Application_Registry_Service_DB_{32 Char GUID}

Which in itself isn't a problem, however we've discovered the MS DPM can't backup these databases due to the long name. All the Content DBs are sensibly named and I can see a way to unattach, rename and re-attach a Content DB. I'm just not sure how I can perfrom the same process with a service application DB.

Has anyone done this before and if so, how did you do this? (Powershell? If so, what cmds did you use?)


1 Answer 1


You can rename some service application databases using PowerShell.


  • Good find, much appreciated.
    – Paul Leigh
    Commented Feb 1, 2012 at 10:45

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