Working with SharePoint Modern and user profiles that have with category fields to populate with topics of interest.

I've set up a search results page for "pages for me" that refines results automatically, based on the value/s the user select/s for their 'business area', 'product' and other (4) categories that they're interested in.

...AND {|Refinablestring123:{User.BusinessArea}} AND {|Refinablestring123:{User.Product}}...etc

This works fine, and returns results whether the user has selected one or a number of values in each category.

The problem arises when the user leaves the category field blank, either because they want to see all topics in that category, or that category is not relevant to them. The search results are empty due to the vacant field.

Is there a way to treat a blank category as "all values"?

  • 1
    – Tracy
    Commented Jun 30, 2020 at 17:50
  • 1
    That is a recipe for errors, eh? There must be a better way. Perhaps the answer is to create a 'none' value in the termset that a user selects if no topics is relevant, and that is added to pages where terms aren't relevant in that category...
    – Marc
    Commented Jun 30, 2020 at 19:24


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