I'm trying to come up with a formula that could validate a column.

I have a form in SharePoint to register parcel shipments. There's a column that contains a shipment code (values 1, 2, 3).

If the value in the column [shipment code] = 1, the column [Country name] must contain a country name (can't be blank).

If the value in the column [shipment code] is 2 or 3, the column [Country name] must be kept empty.

1 Answer 1


Try using SharePoint list validation settings for this requirement.

Assuming [shipment code] is choice field and has only 3 choices (1,2 and 3). Try something like below formula:

=IF([shipment code]=1,IF(ISBLANK([Country name]),false,true),IF(ISBLANK([Country name]),true,false))


  1. Sometimes comma(,) does not work in formula (I am not sure but it is based on something language or regional settings on your site). So in that case use semicolon(;) instead of comma(,).

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