Currently I am configuring A LOT of site designs and site scripts to help with the creation of "Site Templates" in SharePoint online. I am doing well with the both of these but the question I have is that for the template I have several list that come with data already in the lists. I have the Site Designs built that create the list, but I am wondering if there is a way to have the content pre-filled in the list?

I am happy to do this via flow, but I need a way to automate the entire process so that when they do a self service site creation all of the default lists/libraries are in place and those with content are pre-populated.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

2 Answers 2


You can pre-fill a list using the PnP provisioning engine. Then you can call the PnP provisioning engine from a site script.

You can find here provisioning template samples.

  • As mentioned before I dont know how to use this that is my issue.
    – Dorinda
    Commented Mar 30, 2020 at 17:19

There is a site script action "triggerFlow" that triggers a flow automatically when the site design is applied. You can use that flow to populate the lists. You can follow this example: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/declarative-customization/site-design-trigger-flow-tutorial

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