<<root url of your list>>/NewForm.aspx
will take you the full page input form for the list. This will work regardless of whether you are using Modern or Classic. For example: https://tenantname.sharepoint.com/sites/demosite/Lists/mycustomlist/NewForm.aspx
The old Source
url parameter works as well, just as it has in most prior versions of SharePoint. This parameter tells SharePoint what page to redirect the user to after they save the new Item. If this parameter is omitted, SharePoint automatically takes the user to the default view of the List. For example, if your link/button takes the user to https://tenantname.sharepoint.com/sites/demosite/Lists/mycustomlist/NewForm.aspx?Source=https://tenantname.sharepoint.com/sites/demosite/sitepages/thankyouforsubmitting.aspx
then you can have a custom thank you page displayed after the user clicks save