We built a calendar with 6 overlayed calendars.
It's been running for months, we didn't do any modification to it recently. It is used daily by about 10 users.
This morning, the links in the calendar overlay (left navigation panel) are not clickable anymore. I can't click on "Calendars in view", but I cannot click on the calendars' names to get to a specific calendar anymore.
Here's what the panel looks like:
<div class="ms-acal-apanel">
<li><a class="ms-acal-apanel-title" href="/smt/else/_layouts/15/aggregationsettings.aspx?List={774142C0-C4F7-44E1-A230-35D4C9167FE1}&View={45977982-02CA-5007-87BE-CDD4BEDD346}&Source=%2Fsmt%else%2FLists%2Fsmth%2Fcalendar%2Easpx"><img src="/_layouts/15/images/itevent.png" alt="Calendars in view" title="Calendars in view" border="0"><span>Calendars in view</span></a>
<li><span class="ms-acal-apanel-item ms-acal-apanel-color"><span>Calendar 1</span></span></li>
<li><span class="ms-acal-apanel-item ms-acal-apanel-color1"><span>Calendar 2</span></span></li>
<li><span class="ms-acal-apanel-item ms-acal-apanel-color2"><span>Calendar 3</span></span></li>
<li><span class="ms-acal-apanel-item ms-acal-apanel-color5"><span>Calendar 4</span></span></li>
<li><span class="ms-acal-apanel-item ms-acal-apanel-color6"><span>Calendar 5</span></span></li>
<li><span class="ms-acal-apanel-item ms-acal-apanel-color7"><span>Calendar 6</span></span></li>
It seems like the anchor tags all disappeared. I found someone else with the issue, but it looks like time solved their trouble.
How can I have the calendar overlay contain links again ? Is there a cache I can delete that could solve this issue ?