This is about JSON formatted views (not columns) in modern SharePoint online.

List A has a Yes/No field. The values show as Yes or No in the view. When I format the view and show the field value using "txtContent": "[$MyField]", it shows as true or false. (the screenshot has two of these side by side, several records)

enter image description here

In order to conditionally format the elements, I can use the field on its own, since it evaluates to True or False. No operator required.

"class": "=if([$MyField],'sp-field-severity--good','sp-field-severity--blocked')"

List B also has a Yes/No field. The values show as Yes or No in the view. When I format the view and show the field value using "txtContent": "[$MyYesNoField]", it shows as Yes or No.

enter image description here

In order to conditionally format the elements, I have to use a comparison operator and compare with Yes or No as text strings:

"class": "=if([$MyYesNoField]=='Yes','sp-field-severity--good','sp-field-severity--blocked')"

What causes the difference between these two columns in the two different lists and how can it be influenced?

When I download the lists to Excel, the columns all show True/False.

Both lists are populate with a Flow that sets the column values to True/False, not Yes/No.

The problem is that a condition in JSON that is based on the value of the yes/no field will work fine if it is a true/false value, but the view will not render correctly in a list web part when the value is Yes/No and the condition needs to compare with text.

Therefore, I need the Yes/No column to internally store the values as TRUE/FALSE, not as Yes/No.

Any ideas?

  • Can you please check again if it is Yes/No field or Choice field? Also, what is the template you are using for both lists? Is there any specific differences in both columns settings?? Commented Nov 5, 2019 at 4:56
  • @Ganeshsanap Believe me, I checked. It’s a yes/no field. No list template. Column in list A was added via the modern view UI in the view. Column in list B was added via the list Settings >add column command.
    – teylyn
    Commented Nov 5, 2019 at 7:49

1 Answer 1


I followed the same steps to create two Yes/No columns, one from modern view (named FromView) and another from list settings page(named FromSettings).

Tried below combinations and it is working fine for me:

Yes/No column created from Modern View:

    "schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/sp/view-formatting.schema.json",
    "hideSelection": true,
    "hideColumnHeader": true,
    "rowFormatter": {
        "elmType": "div",
        "txtContent": "[$FromView]",
        "attributes": {
        "class": "=if([$FromView], 'sp-field-severity--good','sp-field-severity--blocked')"


enter image description here

Yes/No column created from List settings Page:

  "hideSelection": true,
  "hideColumnHeader": true,
  "rowFormatter": {
    "elmType": "div",
    "txtContent": "[$FromSettings]",
    "attributes": {
      "class": "=if([$FromSettings], 'sp-field-severity--good','sp-field-severity--blocked')"


enter image description here

  • Thanks. I added more Yes/No columns to the list. They all show as Yes or No in the Json formatter. Must be something wrong with that list.
    – teylyn
    Commented Nov 5, 2019 at 19:51
  • Is it normal modern SharePoint List or any other type of list? Commented Nov 6, 2019 at 2:17
  • Normal list. Create with New > List. It's probably corrupt. I created another list that doesn't have the problem and have abandoned this one.
    – teylyn
    Commented Nov 6, 2019 at 10:33
  • Please accept it as an Answer if it helped you. Commented Dec 13, 2019 at 10:06

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