The requirement is to view a sharepoint task list from a subsite(not another site collection) on root site and other subsite.


Task list location


Locations for display



I know that for a regular list, you can open a view of a list, insert data view of the list, and save as webpart to site collection. I have done this on this site collection for other lists, but when I do this for a task list, it saves fine. When I edit the webpart page I want to add the task list to, I can add the web part, and it displays on the page, but when I save the page, I get the correlation error page with a link to the web part maintenance mode.

Looking at the ULS, I see the error "Base URL does not match the first part of the URL; strUrl: '/subsite2/SitePages/Home.aspx'; strBaseUrl: '/subsite1'


1 Answer 1


If you want to display a list on another site, you can try to use Page viewer web part to show the list on the target page. More information, refer to Display a web page, folder, or file on a classic SharePoint page

Or you can use Embed iframe code to display the list view page. Add content to your page using the Embed web part

  • This brings the top navigation along with it, and can result in people navigating within the iframe or web page web part.
    – Wayne
    Commented Oct 1, 2019 at 22:02

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