In Sharepoint Online,trying to display one site collection list columns in another site collection using search and dispaly templates List:/sites/UAT/Lists/SearchTestList/AllItems.aspx
1.Mapped the crawled properties with managed properties in both the site collections same mapping in /sites/UAT and /sites/Classic
2.Created a basic search center in /Sites/Classic and through query rules I am able to get the results
=>In Item_Default display template , I have added these Properties as 'RefinableString148':'RefinableString148','RefinableString149':'RefinableString149','RefinableString150':'RefinableString150'
=>In display templates, I am displaying as below
<li> _#= ctx.CurrentItem.RefinableString148 =#_ </li>
<li> _#= ctx.CurrentItem.RefinableString149 =#_ </li>
<li> _#= ctx.CurrentItem.RefinableString150 =#_ </li>
<li> _#= ctx.CurrentItem.Title =#_ </li>
<li> _#= ctx.CurrentItem.LastModifiedTime =#_ </li>
But the output is only displaying Title and LastModifiedTime of items
But the same properties are showing in Refiners
Am I missing anything or doing anything wrong? Any help would be appreciated.