In my SharePoint document library, I have a date column with a default date (i.e. today's date). This works fine.

My problem is: whenever I update the document itself, or any other metadata besides this date column, the version history shows this date column has changed for every version - even though its value was not changed. It's cluttering the view and will make auditing difficult.

enter image description here

What am I likely doing wrong here? Here is the field setup:

enter image description here

  • How is that date populated? Can you post more info about the column? A screenshot of the column setup?
    – teylyn
    Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 5:39
  • What value is stored in date field? Or it stores the today's date whenever the document/metadata is updated? Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 5:42
  • I've added an image to show the field setup - the date defaults to today, but should allow the user to change it afterwards.
    – DRVR
    Commented Jul 18, 2019 at 5:43

1 Answer 1


I have done a test in my SharePoint online and I cannot reproduce your issue.

I created a date field named Next Approval Date, set it default value to "Today's Date".

When I update the document itself, or any other metadata besides this date column, the version history doesn't shows this date column.

enter image description here

For your issue, check whether there is workflow which update the field.

Create a new date field in the document library and compare whether the issue exists.

Create a new document library and add the date field to the new document library and compare whether the issue exists.

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