I'll throw my hat in since i ran into the same problem, i wanted to execute a series of fetch calls on an array IN ORDER (not all at once). So i came up with this (including the entire ajax helper i created and used, but the bottom method is the main thing:
export class AjaxHelper {
constructor() {
* Performs a POST on the given url, passing the given data (if any) as the Body post
* @param Url - Url of the API to hit
* @param Data - The JSON object the post as the body parameters
* @returns response parsed as T Type
async postRequest<T>(Url: string, Data?: any): Promise<T> {
const response = await fetch(Url, {
method: "POST",
mode: 'cors',
cache: "no-cache",
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: (Data ? JSON.stringify(Data) : "")
return await response.json();
* Performs a GET on the given url, passing any data records as query parameters, and parsing the response as T object type
* @param Url - Url of the API to hit
* @param Data - Key (string) value (string, number, or boolean) of any parameters to include in the call, these are parsed as URL variables
* @returns response parsed as T Type
async getRequest<T>(Url: string, Data?: Record<string, (string | number | boolean)>): Promise<T> {
var urlWithParams = Url;
if (Data) {
let params = new Array<string>();
for(let key in Data) {
urlWithParams += "?" + params.join("&");
const response = await fetch(urlWithParams, {
method: "GET",
mode: 'cors',
cache: "no-cache"
return await response.json();
* Runs the given promise calls in order against the provided array of values, waiting for each item to finish it's promise before executing the next
* @param values - Array of values that will execute in the funcToRun in order
* @param funcToRun - Function that takes the single value and returns a Promise<TPromise> of the asynchronous call (ex postRequest or getRequest of this helper)
* @param funcAfterEachRun - Optional function that receives the Promise's result, if you return false then aborts the rest of the calls, nothing / true continues
* @param funcWhenFinished - Optional function that runs once every item is executed.
public runInSequence<T, TPromise>(values : Array<T>, funcToRun : (value : T) => Promise<TPromise>, funcAfterEachRun? : (value : TPromise) => boolean | any | undefined, funcWhenFinished? : () => any | undefined) : void {
if(values.length > 0) {
var value = values[0];
values = values.splice(1);
funcToRun(value).then((tPromise : TPromise) => {
if(typeof funcAfterEachRun !== undefined && funcAfterEachRun != null){
var result = funcAfterEachRun(tPromise);
if(typeof result === "boolean" && !(result as boolean)) {
// Abort
this.runInSequence(values, funcToRun, funcAfterEachRun, funcWhenFinished);
} else {
if(typeof funcWhenFinished !== undefined){
Usage is below, the input (string) calls this.theMethodThatReturnsPromiseOfFooResponseObj(value: string) : Promise<FooResponseObj>()
ajax.runInSequence<string, FooResponseObj>(arrayOfStrings,
(value : string) => {
return this.theMethodThatReturnsPromiseOfFooResponseObj(value);
(value : FooResponseObj) => {
console.log("One Complete");
} else {
console.log("Failed, aborting");
return false;
() => {
// Finished function
console.log("All tasks complete");
You would have to translate it to basic JavaScript if you wish to do that, I work primarily in typescript myself.
, norPromise.all()
, because those are specific to native promises, not JQuery's promise-like syntax.