I don't have access to rename folder in this SharePoint site/library, while it appears to me I've got the 'Full Control' rights. I've sent a access request but it is sent to me.

Could you please help me to set the rights as I'm the admin of this library?

Note: Some contents of this site have been provided with unique permissions. (inheritage was broken)

1 Answer 1


You need to check all the content with unique permissions - thinking about it logically, the folder which you cannot rename might have unique permissions. So even though you have Full Control on the rest of the Site or Library, it is possible that the folder has unique permissions - you might only have Read permission.

Go to the Library Settings > Permissions > check for Unique Permissions OR check your own name and check a user's Permissions (check against your own name).

(Note: I'm using SP 2013, I've not used Online, so my answer is based on my SP 2013 knowledge, but I'd anticipate SP Online won't have fundamentally changed how Permissions work).

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