I'm hoping you'll be able to give me some good ideas for this scenario in SharePoint Online.
I need to create a document library (or something else if you have any ideas) with the following features:
a. All these will be XLSX files, no need to lock down but for your info. For this example, let's say two columns per row, title and quantity.
b. Separate editor/approver for each file, perhaps set by choosing department from List Lookup column on the file.
c. Different permissions on each file, only visible by editor/approver (set using same method as b.) and manager/admins.
d. First stage approval is between editor and approver.
e. Once the first approval stage is passed, a single manager must pass the file through 4 further stages of editing and/or approval.
f. A flow to keep the original editor informed on the document's progress and (the difficule part) highlight changes to the document, eg this item quantity changed from 10 to 5.
I've tried my best to simplify this to be able to post, hopefully you can understand the functionality I need.